If you have no Love in your heart for Dave

Grohl, you are an asshole. Lars, on the other hand, destroyed Napster for no real good reason… I found all my nirvana bootlegs there, it would take a whole day to file transfer an .mp3, metallica too but I always paid for tickets and t shirts and fancy vinyl or box sets, it’s not like we were doing anything more than like when we were making dubs of cassette tapes in the 80s, right? It was cool while it lasted.

Author: marktupuhi

Me I write words. Sticky, sometimes filthy words. I write about my life in a way that would make you blush. Without you I'd just be a pile of words, without me... well... you'd be fine... to be read in conjunction with the music here: https://soundcloud.com/marktupuhi